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Bem vindos

In the photo gallery of the Park for Mobile homes Vale da Carrasqueira you’ll be able to observe the park, the equipments and the surrounding landscape.

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We have 8-ball pool table and other games, to spend a good time amongst friends. Embelished with fragments of our real history, our bar has always something new to see. The typical constructions shouldn't be a obstacle for comfort. So, our bar has air conditioning, for maximum comfort.
We are shure you'll have a great time with us. Our "mural". A walk through the hills is always refreshing.
Although away from the city, in here mobile phones are always network-covered. De momento, temos 14 lugares, com acesso individual a electricidade, água, esgotos e mesa de apoio. The balance between the typical architechture and nature created spots of great beauty. The algarvean rustic filosofy also exists on the decor of the houses.
With dramatic lights and soft shades, these bedrooms refresh from the outdoors heat. The rooms also include kitchen. The kitchens are equiped with all the primary commodities, while following the same style.
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